
AUDRi signs on in support of CSO joint statement on latest GDC revisions

Posted in: Global Digital Compact July 24, 2024
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AUDRi signs on in support of CSO joint statement on latest GDC revisions

The Alliance for Universal Digital Rights, along with AUDRi co-founder Equality Now, have endorsed a joint CSO statement, alongside partners in our GDC advocacy work and other prominent digital and gender rights organisations and champions.

The statement highlights the areas and aspects of greatest concern, including human rights and gender, support for the OHCHR, inclusive approaches to internet governance, consistency in terminology and decentralisation of power.

The statement has been written in response to the latest draft revision of the Global Digital Compact.

“Alongside many other stakeholders, we have invested countless hours over the past two years informing and guiding this process, engaging in the online and onsite consultations, deep dives, hosting events and participating in conferences to centre the discussion on those most impacted. We see this as a moment for the UN, and its Member States, to openly address how technology impacts its mandate and overall efforts to extend human rights, peace and security, the rule of law and development. However, the GDC outcome document, as it stands, does not reflect the reality of what we see on the ground and in our diverse communities across the contexts of the Global Majority and Global North.”

Read the full statement, including a breakdown of the latest GDC revision, here.

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